Tour’s Books Blog

September 26, 2009

Book Reviews: Two Historical Romance Reviews

There seems to be contest going on for the title of The Most Disappointing Book of the Year and a second one for Most Over-Hyped Author.  For every pleasant surprise and happy find, there are 3 mediocre entries that get disproportionate praise among reviewers or readers.  I learned long ago to use great care when taking recommendations from friends and acquaintances for restaurants and books.  Some people think Olive Garden serves great Italian food and The DaVinici Code is the best book ever.  It’s worse than what passes for pizza in some places!  OK, yes, I’m a pizza snob, but anyone who grows up around NYC is bound to be.  And yes, I can certainly be harsh about books and authors that are more popular than good.  After well over 5,000 books, you know the good stuff when you read it.  There are a lot of undeserving bestsellers out there. (more…)

July 4, 2009

BOOK REVIEW: What Happens in London by Julia Quinn

  • Title: What Happens in London
  • Author: Julia Quinn
  • Type: Historical romance
  • Genre: Regency
  • Sub-genre: Humorous
  • My Grade: C (3*)
  • Rating: PG-13

Somewhere between To Catch an Heiress and the about the middle of the seemingly endless Bridgerton series, Julia Quinn lost her mojo – for me at least. Her stories became so shallow and contrived – and repetitious – I just gave up. She was always an Amanda Quick style writer, favoring what became increasingly slim stories with wit and charm. I did read The Lost Duke of Wyndham and thought it OK, but having read the reviews of Mr. Cavendish, I Presume, I skipped the second book. What Happens in London generated enough buzz I bought it – and read it cover to cover in record time. Was it that good? Ummmmmmm NO. It was that slight and shallow, no brains required. (more…)

June 28, 2009

BOOK REVIEW: Mr. Impossible by Loretta Chase

Every so often I need the equivalent of a palate cleansing course in a meal when it comes to books. I keep a re-read pile for a good reason, it’s there that I find just the perfect ‘flavor’ to clean my taste buds and remind what really good writing is all about. Last month I re-read Lord Perfect. This month I chose another Carsington novel, Mr. Impossible. All I can say is thank heavens for Loretta Chase.

Rupert Carsington is the ne’er do well son of the Earl of Hargate. Charming, brawny, carefree, affable, a man with a strong sense of right and wrong, he’s never been the brains of the family, but he’s not dullard most think. He does have a talent for attracting trouble that borders on genius and has cost his father a small fortune. Hargate cuts Rupert’s allowance off and ships his hide off to Egypt to help the consul general to do something useful for a change. Mr. Salt feels like he’s been given a terrible burden, not help! He’d like nothing more than to ship Rupert back, but then he’d likely land somewhere at the end of the Earth for annoying Lord Hargate, so he’s stuck with paying yet another bribe to get Rupert out of the Pasha’s dungeon. (more…)

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